gina Stryker
Tips to start a Mission-Based Business
EP. 4
Tips to start a conscious business
Gina stryker
"You may get 1000 no's"
- @theginacucina
It's not easy to put yourself on camera, yet video marketing is valuable and smart in today's business. People buy from people they trust, and with the right information.
Anyone can film themselves with their phone, though, when it comes to business, taking a few extra steps to ensure you look professional is key.
Ann shares 5 tips to think about before you press "record"
1. Just do it
Jump in with both feet and do it. .
2. Start local
Start with the people that know you and start selling it. Go to your local farmer's market if it's a food product or skin product.
3. Research packaging
Go to a local store, buy things off the shelf, spread them on a table and write down things you like. It works!
4. Be persistent
Don't take no. If you believe it and have the faith, keep taking the steps forward.
Gina heard 1000's of no's. Each no is heart wrenching for your "baby" you're putting out into the world. It takes persistence. The one yes will change everything.
5. Include a call to action.
If you are going to start a company, think about how it's going to affect the world, and make the choices to make it total societal impact., Make every aspect of your company reflect sustainable decisions, to the earth and people.
It took Gina 18 months to develop online packaging and 0 waste to ship Gina Cucina soups. Gina worked with Fed Ex on packaging that would allow her to safely ship glass across the country and also be sustainable.
6. Be mission-based
EP4 Guest Expert:
Gina Stryker, Founder Gina Cucina
Entrepreneur, chef
Organic and delicious soups Website