Clarity your message and communicate it consistently
Doing business means making money. Monetize your expertise
Create content strategy. Media and production tips to look pro
Distribute your message.
Collaborate, connect.
The Full BrandMaker Experience.
All from the comfort of your home.
The world is staying home more now because of the Coronavirus. Businesses that have an online presence are more likely to succeed. If you are a service-based business and want a powerful online presence, this is for you. Or, if you have a skill or knowledge that you'd like to share with the world, yet are overwhelmed with how, you are in the right place. It is your obligation to share your expertise online, so that you can help more people and create impact. Build a solid foundation using a step-by-step process, with an experienced guide, accountability and support. Work from the convenience of your home with weekly real time coaching AND (because this is a Beta course) have input to achieve your goals.
Weekly Action steps sent to your inbox.
Weekly live Q/A with Cathy, founder BrandMaker Media
Do it all from the comfort of you home or living room
Get coaching and feedback from through the entire process.
Learn media tips and production to set yourself up like a pro
Use a proven step-by-step framework
Clarify, Monetize, Create and Distribute your message
Create a strategy and plan for your content and distribution
Get secret insight and tips from Cathy and other experts
Create a solid plan to monetize your message.
Jumpstart Your Brand
Registration Includes:
8 weeks of step-by-step actionable instruction
Virtual coaching and feedback throughout the process
Digital workbooks and
Support and accountability with like-minded entrepreneurs
Content live and available for 60 days upon completion.
BONUS: In-depth feedback customized for you, for relevant guidance.
Jumpstart your brand online. Here's how:
What Makes this Course So Special?
It's About Guidance and Accountability
You'll have a step-by-step process and access to Cathy throughout the entire brandmaking process to get your message, monetization and distribution plan right..
Weekly Q/A provides instant feedback from experts
Leave with the idea that you've had, created into a reality.
Have accountability to get the work done
Have a strong foundation to monetize your expertise. to make money
Have a support team to to help you implement each step.
Set up to be an expert in your field.
What's Included?
The roadmap